Menopause is a significant, natural lifestage. For some, it is a formidable time due to irritating and life-altering physical and emotional changes. For others, it is a time of personal growth and renewal. Here are some suggestions to help you make your menopausal years positive:
- Educate yourself-there is now a multitude of information online, in books and from your healthcare professional
- Talk to friends and relatives for encouragement and advice. Make them aware of certain symptoms so that they can support you and understand your needs
- Join a menopause or midlife support-group. is a blogging site that's meant to support you, provide you with an outlet for voicing your concerns and frustrations, garner advice from other women and initiate conversations
- Eat nutritious foods and engage in regular exercise
- If you smoke, try quitting. Smoking, aside from being associated with heart disease and cancer, also causes more rapid bone loss and worsens hot flashes
- Reduce alcohol consumption to a moderate amount
- Make social activities and personal time a priority
- Pamper yourself-indulge in a massage, start a new hobby, get a housekeeper; this is the time in your life to allow yourself some luxuries
- Consult your health care professional about any health concerns
- Stay sexually active-Decrease in libido is a commonly reported side effect of menopause. Elements such as body image, sleep disturbance, medications, incontinence, stress, lower levels of certain hormones and any problems with your partner can greatly affect a woman's desire to be sexually active To increase desire and sexual potential you can:
- Apply vaginal moisturizers and lubricants to ease the discomforts of intercourse
- Talk to your partner about the symptoms and issues you are experiencing
- Experiment with techniques for sexual stimulation or erotic toys, videos and massage
- Consult a sex therapist
- Make changes to your sexual routine to increase interest level for both you and your partner
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